Dispel Your Anesthesia Denial Blues By Attending Audio Conferences

If your anesthesia claims are not capturing the reimbursements you deserve, here are some coding tips that you can use to dispel your denial blues.

Beware of messy bundling for anesthesia services

Most anesthesia services are bundled with other services. You need to stay up to date with the most current CCI edits.

Match your modifiers to avoid misuse

Your practice needs a checks-and-balances system to make sure all claims are correct.

For example: your physician provides a service bilaterally and includes modifier 50 on the claim. Often you will include the modifier, but appending it should not be reflexive. There are CPT codes which already represent bilateral services

To get more tips on ways to do away with your anesthesia denials, you’ll do well to attend anesthesia audio conferences. In fact there are audio conferences on anesthesia slated for this year that you can make good use of. Such conferences will provide you top coding and billing secrets so that you get your anesthesia claims paid more accurately and quickly.

When you attend live audio conferences, you can get your queries clarified from the speaker during an interactive question-and-answer session. Whether you’re an anesthesiologist, CRNA, anesthesia biller, coder, administrator, or collector, all stand to gain from such conferences.

Moreover, these sessions are designed keeping your tough schedules in mind so that even if you’ve missed out on one, there are CDs recordings and electronic transcripts available, to run you through the entire event.

Go for audio conferences and get more insight on getting your anesthesia payments right.

Offers healthcare audio conferences and advanced Learning Opportunities about anesthesia claims for medical coders and billers, in the health insurance company claim processors through all types of exceptional series of training CD’s, DVD’s & Tapes.